Treatment of central and sensorineural tinnitus with orally administered Melatonin and Sulodexide: personal experience from a randomized controlled study

G. Neri, A. De Stefano1, C. Baffa1, G. Kulamarva2, P. Di Giovani3, G. Petrucci4, A. Poliandri1,
F. Dispenza5, L. Citraro1, A. Croce1
Basic and Applied Medical Sciences Department, G. d’Annunzio University Chieti-Pescara; 1 ENT Division of
Surgical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences Department G. d’Annunzio, University Chieti-Pescara, Italy; 2 ENT and
Head & Neck Department, Thekkil Complex, Kerala State, India; 3 Department of Drug Sciences, G. d’Annunzio
University Chieti-Pescara; 4 Public Health and preventive Medicine Postgraduate School, G. d’Annunzio University
Chieti-Pescara; 5 Otorhinolaryngology Department, University of Palermo, Italy

Since very little is understood about the exact aetiology of tinnitus, this has made treatment of the condition difficult. Even though ~10-15%
of the general population suffer from tinnitus, only 2% consider it serious enough to warrant any treatment. The main problem arising from
tinnitus is the disturbance it causes not only in day to day life but also in sleep, leading to fatigue and general discomfort. The present study
focused on the effect of Melatonin in conjunction with Sulodexide as a treatment method for tinnitus. Overall, 102 patients suffering from
tinnitus were evaluated in a prospective randomised controlled study conducted in a tertiary care ENT department. After randomisation, 34
patients were treated with Melatonin and Sulodexide, another 34 were treated with Melatonin alone, while the remaining 34 (control group)
were managed without treatment in order to evaluate spontaneous variations in the quality of tinnitus. Patients were assessed prospectively
with the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and Acufenometry, both pre- and post-treatment. Among the patients studied, better results with both
Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and Acufenometry were found in the group who received Melatonin and Sulodexide compared to those receiving
Melatonin alone. No improvement was observed in the control group. In conclusion, Melatonin in combination with Sulodexide is, in
our opinion, a viable treatment option for patients suffering from central or sensorineural tinnitus.

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Key Melatonin